I Want to Take Your Photo

There seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding as to the type of photography that I do. I SPECIALIZE in taking women’s photos. There is nothing that makes my heart sing more than when a woman looks at her photos and actually sees the beauty that has always been in her, but that she just couldn’t see. As a woman myself, with all insecurities that all women have, I KNOW the struggles other women face about their looks on a daily basis. I know how hard it is to see our own beauty when Photoshopped magazine and catalogs are picked up from our mailboxes every day.

I understand being self-conscious in front of the camera. I think that EVERYONE must be staring at that zit, mole, wrinkle, that in reality only *I* see because I see it EVERY DAY.

I know what it is to tell myself that I need to lose weight, I don’t have the time, I look so tired. I CAN’T have my photo taken.

We, as women are our own worst enemies and not only are we depriving ourselves, but we’re depriving our loved ones of memories of ourselves in the future. I know I’ve said it before, but I ave only one photo of my mother (taken by the well-known CountrySide Studios) and one of myself and my mother taken on my wedding day 28 years ago. Why? Because she’d literally RUN from a camera. She’d flap her hands up in front of her face and actually get angry if someone tried to take her photo.

Now all I have to remember her beauty (and she WAS a true beauty, though she didn’t see it) are two pictures and the dwindling number of people who knew her. I can’t begin to tell you what I’d give for a proper photo of my mother and myself.

So … those are the reasons I SPECIALIZE in women’s photography.

I love to shoot mamas & daughters, sisters, best friends and women by themselves.

But I also do and LOVE other sorts of photography. I have a ball shooting with seniors and getting that one perfect shot makes me do a little dance every time. Maternity sessions make me weepy … I wish we’d thought to do that sort of thin when I was carrying my own two sweet babies. Family sessions are awesome … especially with older kids that have a great relationship with their parents.

I SPECIALIZE in photographing women, but I LOVE taking portraits of EVERYBODY – and their horse, lol.

One thought on “I Want to Take Your Photo

  • September 20, 2014 at 6:10 am

    If anyone out there is “thinking” about doing this, make the commitment and do it. You won’t regret it.


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